When to Kiss is to Sin: Dating in Nepal Pt 3
Normally, I don’t kiss and tell, but this happened so long ago that it doesn’t matter much. Sometime early in 2010, shortly after I arrived in Nepal, a time when I was still single and had not yet met the Filipino bombshell. A time when I was still befuddled with that timeless question: what is … Read more

The Fun of Dating in Nepal pt 2
She got married so I guess it’s okay for me to write about this, though I’ll still not say her real name. I saw a status update on facebook, and I know she is married. Nepali girls wouldn’t write such a status, or else it hurts their honor. A couple on a date in Thamel, … Read more

Travel Videos on YouTube
This is a post that lists all the travel videos I have put up on youtube. In these travel videos you will find hints and tips, and insights on the places I’ve been too.

Love Made Me Run Mad
The other day, I was looking through my archived videos of Nepal, trying to decide what to delete to create space in my backup hard drive. I found this interview of Binod, a resident of Saptari district, a man who ran mad after his love affair with an upper caste girl came to an abrupt … Read more

Scenes of Labor Day
Retired. Relaxing. Is he enjoying the labor of his youth? A grandfather passes the time in Nakapinyi, Mukono district. It’s the day when we remember workers of the world. I do not know what made me look through my scrap folder, but I found this poem, which I wrote in October of 2009, shortly before … Read more

Quick recipes for a love-hunting bachelor
food will bring love to your heart They say that the way into a man’s heart is through his stomach, and that the best way to get into a woman’s pants is through her mouth! Ah, so food has great romantic values. It is the essence of every relationship, and if you are looking at … Read more