Silly ramblings about a writer’s weird habits
Is it just me, or do all writers have weird habits? An I the only one who sits on a chair that’s tattered? Am I the only one who writes while stark naked, though this chair is hurting my butt? Hmmm is me rambling about my writing habits because I’m procrastinating and trying to avoid doing actual writing.

This year starts with big good news for my writing
A behind-the-scenes look at the stories in the book, a short story collection, Where Rivers Go To DIe, nominated for PKD Awards and longlisted for BSFA Awards.

The Pains of Forgetting Faces
As an artist, I’m always invited to events, but I struggle with remembering faces of those that I meet.

Sad Love Poem “Glass of Dreams”
a bit on the background When I set out to make video poems, I had a bunch of idle video clips that I didn’t know what to do with, like the one of a spider catching a fly. I realized I could stylize these videos and make them look animated look. However, after the second … Read more

Sad Love Poetry “Strange Shore”
Strange Shore is the second video I’m making in the Sad Love Poetry series, which is themed on unreturned love, and is available on my dilstories TV on youtube.

Self Trap
This visual poetry is available on my youtube channel, dilstories TV. I’ve been writing poetry for a long time, as long as I’ve been writing, but never found courage to share publicly for they come from deep inside. Sometimes so deep inside that I feel naked when they are out in the open.