Dilman Dila’s bio

Dilman Dila is a Ugandan writer and film maker. In 2013, he was shortlisted for the prestigious Commonwealth Short Story Prize  and long listed for the Short Story Day Africa prize. He was nominated for the 2008 Million Writers Awards for his short story, Homecoming. He first appeared in print in The Sunday Vision in 2001. His works have since featured in several e-zines and anthologies including the African Roar 2013. His most recent works is the novelette, The Terminal Move, and the romance novella, Cranes Crest at Sunset, which are available on Amazon. His films include the masterpiece, What Happened in Room 13(2007), and the narrative feature, The Felistas Fable (2013). More of his life and works is available at his website https://www.dilmandila.com.
To read his short fiction, please visit https://www.dilmandila.com/fiction.html
To watch his films, please visit https://www.dilmandila.com/films.htm
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updated 27/10/2013

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