Goodbye 2010

I’ll always remember this as the year in which I finally broke ground – I started shooting my first ever feature length documentary, I got my first ever fan mail, and my projects attracted money from funding agencies as well. 🙂 Well, I can say it’s been a good year (and I’m not talking about that joke, where they ask, ‘what do you call it when you have 365 used condoms at the end of the year?’ 😮 ) Quite a good year.

I guess I should congratulate myself, slap myself hard on the back, especially with regard to how much effort I put it to make this first documentary. Having to learn Nepali, and now I know it so well that I can edit without having to rely on a translator! Jesus, all this hard work should pay me in gold. I hope it’s not all in vain.

Maybe I should wait until tomorrow so we can start the party? But today is supposed to be my actual birthday, yet I celebrate 31st because it’s a much funkier day, something you can always tell people ‘you know, my mother spent two years trying to push me out of her womb.’ and they go like ‘what?’ and I laugh, knowing I’ve got them and say, ‘well, she did spend two years trying to push me out.’

Happy New Year mother ducker 🙂

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