She runs the Ranchers Seafood and Steakhouse, where many literary events take place. This was during a Commonwealth Writers event.
Melissa Kiguwa, a feminist and poet, with Helen Nyana, a writer and publisher.Helen Nyana, writer, publisher, photographerDavid Kaiza, Writer and EditorA participant during the Commonwealth Writers Conversation, Kampala, 14 June 2014. She was not asleep.A participant during the Commonwealth Writers Conversation, Kampala, 14 June 2014Patricia, writer.A participant during the Commonwealth Writers Conversation, Kampala, 14 June 2014A participant during the Commonwealth Writers Conversation, Kampala, 14 June 2014Jackee Batanda, writer.Rosey Sembatya, writer and board member of FEMRITEDaphne, a poet, attending the readers and writers club at FEMRITE
Jennifer Nansubuga Makumbi, writer, and winner of the Commonwealth Short Story Prize 2014Goretti Kyomuhendo, writer, and founder of African Writers TrustA participant at the Commonwealth Writers Conversation.A poet performs during OpenMic at the Uganda MuseumA poet after her performance during OpenMic at the Uganda MuseumParticipants during the Commonwealth Writers Conversation, Kampala, 14 June 2014Kelsey Claire HagensBeverly and Melisa, during a panel discussion at the Writivism Festival 2014At FEMRITE readers clubNii Ayikwei Parkes, Writer, Poet, attends the Writivism Festival 2014Clifton Gachagua, Poet, Writer, Editor at KwaniBilly Kahora, Managing Editor of Kwani